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Tek AX Inhibited Transformer Oil

TEK AX INHIBITED TRANSFORMER  OIL is an inhibited electrical insulating oil manufactured from highly refined mineral oils. It is formulated with an oxidation inhibitor to minimize oil deterioration and extend the operating life of the immersed components.


- Extended oil life.

- System efficiency.

- Transformer protection.

- Low pour point and low viscosity.

- Excellent oxidation stability.

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Tek Turbine Oils 

TEK TURBINE OILS are a premium quality ash-less oils designed for outstanding performance in natural gas or steam turbines, air compressors, circulating systems and non-EP gear boxes. They exhibit excellent thermal and oxidative stability for robust, long-term performance without sludging or thickening.




• Excellent Water-shedding properties Long component life.

• Prevents the formation of rust and guards against onset of corrosion.

Tek Gear Compounds EP

TEK GEAR COMPOUNDS are designed to meet the heavy- duty demands of a variety of industrial gear applications including those operating under such severe conditions as critical sliding velocities and shock loading that may occur under certain loading situations.




• Help maintain clean gear and bearing surfaces, minimizing deposits which interfere with

   effective lubrication.

• Effective EP system minimizes wear rates and maintains efficient transfer of power. Good

   water separation and effective rust inhibitors protect surfaces against rust and corrosion.

• High thermal stability additive system minimizes the formation of high temperature

   compounds which can be corrosive to bearing materials.

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Tek Industrial Gear F

TEK INDUSTRIAL GEAR F are intended for use in enclosed gear drives and wherever an AGMA extreme pressure lubricant is required.




• Excellent oxidation and thermal stability.

• Effective corrosion Inhibition.

• Wide range of viscosities.

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Tek Soluble Cutting Oil BT

TEK SOLUBLE CUTTING OIL BT is an oil based water soluble cutting oil. It is a versatile fluid and can be used in the machining of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. A biocide has been added to help control bacterial growth.




• Outstanding emulsion even with hard water.

• Cooling improved by metal wetting.

• Reduced foaming.

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TEK HEAT TRANSFER OIL  is a high quality paraffinic mineral oil inhibited to improve thermal stability.


• Open heat transfer systems where oil temperature does not exceed 370 deg F
• Closed heat transfer systems equipped with expansion tanks and pressure relief valves, where the maximum bulk oil temperature is less than 550 deg F. In a closed system, the hot oil should never come into contact with air.
• Dehydrators
• Die casting, molding and extruding
• Hot oil heaters

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